Jun 29, 2008

The Top 6 Workers Comp Insider Secrets

For most organizations, employee related costs are one of the biggest drains on the bottom line. And workers compensation insurance is often the main drain. Unlike the price of gas, however, understanding these six workers compensation insurance industry secrets can help owners and managers aggressively control these costs. So what are they?

1. Insurance companies don't pay for your employee injuries - they just finance them for you.

Do you realize that oftentimes you pay $2 to $3 back to your insurance company for every dollar they pay out for your employee injuries? Each claim results in an extremely expensive financing contract. You pay your premiums. Then you have to pay for almost all of your claims. You pay:

  • For employee injuries through lost dividends and return of premium
  • Increased costs because your Experience Modification skyrockets
  • Lost productivity
  • Reduced morale for the unhurt employees who fill in for the injured employee
  • Increased stress for management and staff

Workers Comp does not pay for employee injuries. You do!

2. Insurance Company Claims Management Services are usually horrendous.

Now that you know you write the checks for your employee's injuries you should realize how critical it is for you to demand aggressive claims management. Claims adjusters are snowed under with too many cases. Your injured employee doesn't get the attention he or she deserves. In spite of this, insurance companies continue to downsize as they strive to increase profits. Add Managed Care to the mix and your employee's claim is often outsourced to a case management company. The adjuster doesn't even know what is happening or how your injured employee is being treated. You just can't notify the insurance company your employee was injured and expect them to "do their job." You must have a proven process in place to minimize the cost of the injury and expedite your injured employee's return to work.

3. You are penalized and overpay when the "Audit Police" make a mistake on an audit

Because your real insurance cost is determined after your policy expires, it is essential the audit is correct. You're at a disadvantage from the start. The insurance company auditor knows the rules, you don't. The auditor is not compelled by law to explain the rules, even if applying a rule would cause you to pay a lower premium. Here's how the auditor works against you:

  • Your entire payroll is put into the highest classification
  • Then, the "standard class exceptions" are put into the correct cost classification. When someone is not properly moved to the lower cost classification, you pay at the highest rate.

Misclassification's are common and the system is designed for you to pay for all mistakes. Would you allow an IRS agent to conduct an audit without an expert on your side? Of course not. Then, why allow an insurance company auditor to conduct an audit without an expert at your side? A workers comp audit may actually cost you more money than an IRS audit. A workers comp audit is every year. You may go years without an IRS audit.

4. Experience modification factors are often wrong or mismanaged

Most insurance buyers accept on "good faith" that their experience modification factor is correct? Why? It's just easier that way. I go into great detail about this in my article Why Assuming Your Workers Comp Experience Mod is Correct Could be a Dangerous Calculation. However, for our purposes here, you need to learn how to double check your mod because oftentimes it may be wrong. Your insurance company then collects an unfairly high premium.

5. Your dividend may not be what it appears to be

If you were placed into a dividend program with the promise of future savings, at least be aware that these promises are often illusory. Did you just buy your workers comp policy based on that fancy proposal your agent presented or did you really read the contract that states the terms of your program? Realize that you pay a bigger premium upfront to finance the possibility that you will not have any claims. And if you do have a few claims, your dividend will magically evaporate.

6. Your money will fly away unless your agent pays closer attention to your Workers Comp than any other insurance buy.

Here's what your agent must do to insure you have the best value for your workers comp insurance:

  • Claims need to be monitored
  • Premium audits must be managed and verified
  • Experience modifications must be double checked for accuracy
  • Contract must be analyzed
  • Sub-contractor's insurance must be controlled Many actions are time sensitive.

If you don't know why 6 months after your policy expires is such a critical date, you may be overpaying your insurance. If you need a specialist in any one area of your insurance program, it is in the management of your insurance that affects your employees the most- workers compensations, medical and disability benefits.

Author: Eric D. Patrick is an attorney and Chief Operating Officer of Consumers Insurance Agency Inc. http://www.consumers-insurance.com. He also engages in insurance consulting and legal work through The RiskAssure Consulting Group. Please contact him for further information.

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Steps to Filling Out Your Employee's Workman's Compensation Application

As a manager of a small business, you are in charge of protecting and helping your workers as much as possible. There are plenty of ways you can do this. Giving your employees good benefits, competitive wages, and protecting them with workman's compensation insurance can be a great start. Most small businesses know the importance of giving their associates good benefits and competitive wages, but workman's compensation insurance is often overlooked. Workman's compensation or worker's comp provides insurance to cover medical care and compensation for employees who are injured in the course of employment. The compensation is in the form of monetary value for medical bills and time the employee may need off to heal. Here are step by step suggestions for ways to make sure your employees are protected through workman's compensation.

The first step to getting started is to make sure you have received all the paperwork for workman's compensation. This paperwork included payroll reports that show how much money is paid out to your employees. Organize the paperwork and make sure everything is completely filled out and done correctly. The insurance companies will use these figures, along with classification codes to help determine how much the policy will cost you. The second step is to make sure you make copies of the accident reports even if the accident happened a long time ago. It is very important to make sure these accident reports detail the accidents that the employees have had during work. The insurance application will require you to make a list of information when you apply for the policy.

The third step is to make sure to compare prices for insurance agents. It is really important to shop around for the right insurance agent for the workman's compensation case. Do meet with the insurance agent and get as much information as possible pertaining to their hourly rates once you find the agent that is right for you. Filling out the application can be a tedious and very time consuming process. It is very important that all the information that you provide for the workman's compensation is as accurate as possible even down to the tiniest detail. It is very common that the information that is submitted is rejected unless the information is completely accurate. Along with the workman's compensation application, you may be asked to put down a deposit. This deposit is for the insurance premium when you submit your package.

It is important as the manager to make sure your company is open to field visit, if it applies to the situation. A field visit is when an insurance agent comes to your workplace. The insurance agent will take notes and observe your company's daily operations. It is a completely normal procedure and usually doesn't last for a full day.

The final step is really a no brainer, but is extremely important to follow. Make sure that your premiums get paid on time. This is such an important step that it is hard not to stress it enough. Once you follow the above steps, you will be able to breathe a lot easier. Your employees will appreciate your efforts to aid in their filing and in return you will have a happy staff.

Author: Peter Drummond is a social security disability attorney licensed in practice in Missouri and Illinois, and owns Drummond Law, a workers compensation and SSI benefits law firm with offices throughout Illinois and Missouri.

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+ Dummy Health Guide for Malaysian
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What is a Workers' Compensation Case?

Let's start at the very beginning: Just what is a workers' compensation case? A workers' compensation case is any type of claim where a person has been injured or killed while on the job. The legal requirement is that the work injury arose out of and in the course of employment. The law does not require that a person is compensated for every work injury. You must prove that you were on the job working when you were injured. However, please keep in mind that there are special exceptions like falling in the employer's parking lot which is also considered a work injury, horseplay which is not considered a work injury, etc.

Under Iowa Law, you need only prove that a work injury caused a material and substantial aggravation of a preexisting condition for it to be considered a work injury. That means just because you have had a prior injury to the same body part, you may still be entitled to benefits.

Also, if you previously sustained a scheduled member injury (arm, leg, etc.), whether or not it was work related, and then you sustain another scheduled member injury then you may be entitled to additional benefits under the Iowa Second Injury Fund. If you qualify for 2nd Injury Fund benefits then the extent of your permanent disability benefits will be based upon the factors used when determining industrial disability just like a back, shoulder, neck or brain injury.

If you are able to prove that you sustained a work related injury, there are 3 basic types of workers' compensation benefits available:

1. Medical Benefits- Lifetime medical benefits for medical treatment, including doctors' appointments, prescriptions and mileage expenses related to your work injury.

2. Healing Period/Temporary Disability (TTD/TPD) Benefits- These are the weekly payments made to an injured worker while they are healing from their work injury and are either not able to return to their job, is only able to work a limited number of hours or is not making as much as they were before the work injury work.

3. Permanent Benefits- At some point the doctors will say that you have healed as much as possible which is also known as maximum medical improvement (MMI). At that point, your benefits change from temporary to permanent. If your medical condition heals and you are left with no permanent problems, then you probably do not have a claim for permanent disability benefits. If you have a permanent impairment rating and/or permanent restrictions, then you are likely owed permanent disability benefits. You need an attorney who understands the specialized workers' compensation laws.

Author: I offer a FREE Book entitled "Iowa Workers' Compensation- An Insider's Guide to Work Injuries" which includes the "7 Mistakes To Avoid If You Are Hurt At Work". Why offer a Free Book? For more than 10 years Iowa Work Injury Attorney Corey Walker has represented hundreds of Iowans hurt at work. He has seen too many clients make mistakes before they had the "right" information resulting in them losing thousands of dollars. Iowa Work Injury Attorney Corey J. L. Walker practices primarily in workers' compensation law throughout Iowa. Finally, you can learn about work injuries in the comfort of your own home with no risk or obligation. However, quantities are limited so to learn how to avoid costly mistakes and your rights Call Now (800)-707-2552, ext. 511 (24 Hour Message) or go to http://www.IowaWorkInjury.com

Featured Links:

+ Dummy Health Guide for Malaysian
+ Dating and Relationship Blog
+ Malaysia Real Estate Blog
+ GeekMalaya - Malaysia Computer and Technology Blog

Jun 4, 2008

What Is Liability Insurance?

Are you in business for yourself or do you work as an independent contractor? Imagine this for a moment....

You own a business and a young child falls and breaks his leg on your property. This is an incident that will have you asking, what is liability insurance? If you have it you will be protected from the high cost of lawyers to defend you and the medical bills you will have to pay for this child if you lose your case in court.

This is the reality of the world we live in. People sue because their coffee is too hot or because they are too stupid to look where they are going. It must be the companies fault because I slipped and fell over my own feet on their property. Nobody is willing to take blame for their own actions and this is why they want to call one of the bottom feeding lawyers that deal with personal injury cases and sue.

If they sue your business there is a good chance they will put you out of business or at least cause some damage to your growth. They will make you have to pay for lawyers and if you lose you will have to pay for the settlement amount or the court ordered amount that is determined.

This can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars or even millions of dollars and can put you right out of business. You can, however protect yourself with liability insurance. This insurance will protect you from these lawsuits and can protect your employees from accidents and lawsuits as well.

You can choose the level of coverage you want and your liability insurance will even cover some or all of your attorney fees. This insurance can keep you from going out of business over something as stupid as being sued because you serve coffee that is too hot.

So, to answer what is liability insurance, you can only come up with one thing. It is your life, your business, your integrity, and your all time protection. It is what you need to stay in business and stay protected. It is better to have liability insurance and never use it, than to not have it and get sued and ran right out of your business.

Photo: http://www.mandalaybayinsurance.com

Sponsored by: Malaysia Internet Marketer

Author: Learn more about What Is Liability Insurance and why you need it here: What Is Liability Insurance?

Commercial Liability Insurance - What You Should Know About Commercial Liability Insurance

Are you considering going into business for yourself? If so, you need to consider commercial liability insurance to protect yourself from any visible or possible liability that might occur. This will save you a lot of money in the future, especially since we live in a sue happy society.

Commercial liability insurance will pay for part or all of the damages that are caused due to liabilities of the company. These could have been damages due to business dealings or not, but either way you will be covered. It could be something as simple as a child skateboarding in front of your office and they break their arm. If the family sues you will be covered and will not have to worry about paying thousand of dollars out of your pocket.

Most of the time your coverage will cover legal fees if you decide to fight the case as well or during the settlement period. It is necessary for your businesses survival to have adequate commercial liability insurance to protect yourself from expenses that you are not expecting.

One has many options of applying for commercial liability insurance. However it is the insurance company that, by using their underwriting standards, determines if the business is eligible for insurance and for how much. The insurance companies have classifications on businesses, and any new commercial liability insurance has to fall in one of those classifications. This means that even a company with a totally clean record might still have to pay a high premium for commercial liability insurance.

You will have quite a few different options when picking your policy. You can choose the type and the amount of coverage you want depending on the risks you think you might incur. There are certain classifications on businesses and underwriting will determine whether your business is eligible for liability insurance and how much you need to protect yourself and your business.

Imagine this for a moment.....

There was a bar in Indianapolis that over served a patron and the patron tried to drive home. This person ended up getting into an accident and injuring a young child. This child is bound to a wheelchair for life and has to be fed by another for its' entire life. The family rightfully so, sued the bar, the bartender, and the man who hit them. They won over $5 million dollar all together and the bar shut down, the bartender has half their wages garnished every week, and the man that hit them ended up in jail for over 10 years.

If this bar would have had commercial liability insurance to protect themselves from this horrible incident they could have stayed open, and just experienced a hike in their insurance rates. The bartender could have carried a type of liability insurance for themselves to protect them from this incident as well.

The moral of this story is you never know when something is going to happen and you are going to wish you had commercial liability insurance. It is better to start with it and not need it, than to not get insurance and end up wishing you had it.

Photo: http://www.lkinsurance.on.ca

Sponsored by: Malaysia Internet Marketer

Author: Learn more about Commercial Liability Insurance and why you need it here: Commercial Liability Insurance

May 30, 2008

Insurance Marketing Tips

Anything can be marketed effectively, and the basic principles of marketing remain the same, no matter what's being sold: You focus on what the benefit is to the person who's buying the product, you emphasize the points of differentiation between your product and the others in your market segment, and then close with the pitch.

We're going to make an example out of insurance marketing here to illustrate the point. The reason for insurance marketing is because everyone needs insurance, and the market is saturated with a lot of products competing. Writing insurance marketing tips for a saturated market is an example of how you, as an internet entrepreneur, can make money by being a liaison to local businesses in your area.

So, let's look at the big questions from up top - what's the big benefit for taking insurance? It's buying a specific sort of peace of mind. It's providing coverage in case there's a disaster. Let's focus that into marketing insurance: "Wouldn't you like to know that your family will be taken care of, if something happens to you?" is one way to state the benefit. Another one is "It's cheaper to buy insurance for your car than to get into an accident without it. And while you may be a good driver, can you be certain of everyone else?" Both of these are fairly straightforward ways to insurance marketing and its benefits to the end customer.

Now, when I write insurance marketing tips, I'm constantly looking for the edge, the out - the hook. What makes this product work for the reader and prospective buyer?

To answer that question, I start with doing some research on Google, and look for page ranks for specific permutations of insurance buying search terms, like "cheap health insurance" or "cheap life insurance" or "auto insurance Michigan" - anything that will help narrow down the search fields. Then I look at what others are doing on those pages that pull up. It is extremely important to understand what your competitors are doing. It helps you keep track of market trends and makes sure you keep your edge.

Are they competing primarily on price, or are they competing on features? Insurance is a mature product category, so it's difficult to differentiate on new features. Difficult doesn't mean "impossible", though. There are combinations of features on policies that can form a competitive advantage; in the field, these tend to be short lived, because someone else will notice what you're selling and emulate it. Unlike technology where an advance can last for six to eighteen months before you get significant product penetration from competitors, writing a new policy package doesn't take much (indeed, they'll figure it out from your own marketing text...)

So the other differentiators are on price (which is the primary driver in insurance policies) and service (which is where insurance companies trying to maintain margins on policies try to set themselves up as upscale.

Sponsored by: Malaysia Internet Marketer

Author: David Ledoux is an author, speaker, trainer and mentor to entrepreneurs. His newest report The Small Business Death Sentence can be downloaded for free at http://bigmoneyfreetime.com

Insurance Leads In Real Time

For all insurance agents that follow up on leads, it goes without saying that timing is everything.

For example, if you follow up on a lead a week after you are tipped off about it, than chances are the customer is already working with another insurance company.

When people need insurance, regardless of the kind of insurance, they usually need it right away. The same holds true when working with insurance lead companies.

If you are an insurance professional considering working with an insurance lead company, it is imperative that you make absolutely certain that they are offering real time leads.

When I say real time insurance leads I mean leads that are hot off the press and delivered to you immediately. Leads where the customer is actually waiting on your phone call.

The best way to determine if an insurance lead company is selling their leads in real time is to speak with someone in their sales or customer service department. The main question you will want to ask is "where are the leads coming from?"

Here is what you will want to hear. You will want to hear that the leads they provide are coming from lead generation web sites that they own and operate.

This is the best way to determine that the quality of the lead is good and that you will be receiving it fresh and in real time.

Any other way of obtaining insurance leads should raise a red flag. The last thing you need is a lead that has been recycled dozens of times and is dated. This will obviously do you know good. So take the time to research the companies that you are considering.

Remember. You work hard for your money. So invest it wisely and the return on your investment will be that much better.

Sponsored by: Malaysia Internet Marketer

Author: Jay Conners is the Account Manager for http://usprospect.com/ an Insurance Lead Company specializing in real time insurance leads of every variety. He is also the owner of http://www.jconners.com a sales and marketing resource site.

Feb 28, 2008

Diary of a Lonesome Insurance Salesman - Insurance Sales Success

When you open your appointment book does it look like your bank account? Empty! Can you sit in your office for hours on end with no interruptions in the form of phone calls from potential prospects and suspects dropping in? Feeling as lonely as the Maytag repairman?

Well, at least you know what the problem is. You don't have enough prospects or you aren't able to secure an appointment with the prospects you do have. Either way there's one simple reason this is true. You don't know how to market yourself.

Yeah, I know you've cold called until your ear feels hot and you have a crook in your neck. You've mailed countless letters to more people who also don't want to talk to you. You've tried inviting people to seminars, and no one showed up, or they only showed up to get a free meal at your expense. Looks pretty hopeless, huh, Eeyore?....

Stop the pity party and start filling both your appointment calendar and your bank account. You just need to switch chairs for a while. The attempts you've made at marketing to produce sales leads have been slightly out of focus. Hello, Mr. Prospect doesn't care about you, your products, or your business.

Start singing a song written just for the prospect, and they'll chime right in to join the chorus. If you were sitting in their chair what would you be thinking? What would you be looking for? How could you turn things around and produce an entirely different result than the one they expect? The secret to your success, the secret to ending your loneliness lies in changing your focus from what you want to what the prospect wants, and then playing that song on their radio station.

Sponsored by: http://www.balootisme.com

Author: Enjoy the time and financial freedom you deserve: "7 Secrets Top Producers Know that You Can Put to Use in the Next 9 Days". Get a daily boost to increase your sales: the blog for Top Producers and Future Top Producers

Feb 4, 2008

What Your Flood Insurance Covers

If you are planning to get a flood insurance cover but do not have the time to go to the providers in your area, you have one option and that is to apply online. The internet can help you choose an insurance policy provider who will fit your needs and you can fill in necessary forms online. This method however, may confuse you if you do not look at the fine prints for particular policies very closely. Here are a few tips when you apply for a flood insurance cover online.

Most of the insurance companies provide contents insurance policies against both man-made and natural calamities like theft and vandalism, fire, explosions, slippage, burst pipes, earthquakes, water or oil leakage, severe weather like storms, lightening, floods, and others. In all these emergencies, you need protection for your property or a replacement when damage or loss could not be avoided.

In the UK, flooding insurance is available for you as a customer but you have to visit the insurance providers or browse through the internet to find one which is not only inexpensive but also meet your needs.

Two of the most commonly offered flood insurance policies in the UK are the buildings cover and home contents cover. The home contents insurance cover in the UK is designed to cover your personal belongings and almost everything you own. Home contents cover could include household goods and items, computer equipments, furniture and furnishings, kitchen equipment, video, audio equipments, and other personal belongings. These contents could be replaced or covered by your insurance policy when these are lost or damaged beyond repair due to floods.

Buildings insurance cover on the other hand protects the basic building or structure of your house or property. This means your insurance policy will cover the windows, floors, walls, outbuildings like garage and shed or permanent fixtures like kitchens, toilets and baths, interior decorations and even bedroom cupboards.

When you only get contents cover, only your personal belongings and valuables that you can take away from your house will be under the flooding insurance policy. Buildings cover includes those fixtures that you can not remove from your house even when you move to a new location.

A buildings insurance will cover the loss or damage of the actual structure and fittings of your home in case of flood. It is therefore important that the buildings cover you get should be enough or more than enough to cover the rebuilding cost of your house. Your insurance policy provider usually estimates the rebuilding costs of your house and structures so you will know what level of insurance cover you need.

Your house and house contents face risks of damage from many calamities, flood included so you must realize by now how important a flood insurance policy is. Do not wait to be a victim of calamities like floods without a proper cover. Spending a few hundred pounds for insurance could spell the difference in your life.

Author: If you are looking for information or advice on flood insurance or flood plain insurance or what your flood insurance covers, visit us now. FloodInsuranceAdvice.com is a goldmine for information on all aspects of flood insurance.

Jan 31, 2008

How To Get A Quick Motorcycle Insurance Quote

There are many ways to go about getting a motorcycle insurance quote, but the quickest and easiest method is to jump online. The whole process of getting estimates for policies is fairly new online and people are jumping at the opportunity to get one from their very own home. Aside from not having to leave your home there are several benefits to getting a quote using the internet.

When going about getting motorcycle insurance, it is essential that you take the time to get quotes. There is a wide array of places to get insurance from and each has different prices and deals. Therefore, take the time to look around and see what you can find. The great thing about the internet is you can do this ever so quickly.

With the internet you have the ability to quickly jump through several sites and receive multiple quotes. Not only do you eliminate time spent driving from place to place, but you can also cut down on the wasted time spent talking with a salesman. You can read all of the information and cut to the chase receiving your quote as quickly as possible.

Speaking of salesman, shopping from your home on the internet eliminates any pressure you might have been under getting quotes in the store. It can sometimes be a bit awkward when receiving quotes because salesman put a tremendous amount of pressure on you to act now. When you are at your home there is no pressure and you have all the time you want to get as many quotes as possible.

Another benefit of shopping online for motorcycle insurance quotes is many insurance companies are actually brokers. What this means to you is they will do the shopping for you by sending your information around to the companies they deal with. This allows you to get even more quotes than before.

When getting an insurance quote you will need to know what your driving record is as you will be asked many questions on this. The more familiar you are with it the quicker the process will go. Things like how long you have been driving, how many speeding tickets you have, and how many accidents you have been in will be asked.

Convenience is what the internet is all about and getting a motorcycle insurance quote online saves you loads of time and trouble. You can save time shopping around for various quotes, eliminate having to talk to a salesman, and you can take your time through the comfort of your very own home. There is no better way to get a quote for motorcycle insurance than using the internet.

Sponsored by: http://www.balootisme.com
Author: Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on motorcycle insurance and Geico motorcycle roadside insurance at http://www.motorcyclefinancegroup.com

Dec 31, 2007

Finding The Best Connecticut Accident Lawyer

Finding The Best Connecticut Accident LawyerWhen it comes to finding the best Connecticut Accident Lawyer, remember that this person will be the one responsible for getting or preserving your rights when you’ve encountered accidents or disasters. This person will be very significant to you, and it is so important to make your choice carefully and with a lot of thought and research. Once you find the right Connecticut Accident Lawyer for your case, you can relax and focus instead on your daily routine.

There are various techniques and strategies that can help you hire a Connecticut Accident lawyer. Start by understanding the type of case you have, and the type of services offered by various lawyers.

Choose the Connecticut Accident Lawyer who puts much of his or her practice into the areas that represent the case you have. Do not hire a lawyer that keeps asking you questions and not paying attention to what you want or expect. With this type of lawyer, you can easily run into more problems and misunderstandings that are sure to harm you in the long run.....

You might want to consider asking friends or business associates for recommendations of lawyers who work in your area. The more people you talk with, the better. But be sure you choose sources that are reliable and willing to help. It is also good to collect your own data and information on how anyone who is recommended works, including their levels of performance, rankings and credentials. After you have gathered some of this information, you can check their web site to do some added research on the firm.

When you find someone you like, it is much better if you meet face to face. Be on time and prepared for this meeting. Ask them how their process works, and don’t hesitate to question how he or she can contribute to your welfare.

Study and examine each lawyer you are considering using this same process. Subsequent reviewing and research will help you narrow down the choices so you can find the lawyer who is really right for you. Through this, you’ll be able to choose the Connecticut Accident Lawyer who will work with you and take care of you and your needs in the courtroom.

PhotoCredit: http://wfflaw.com
Author: Stu Pearson has an interest in Business related topics. To access more information find a Connecticut Accident Lawyer please visit the following site: http://www.healthreading.com/

Nov 9, 2007

3 Auto Insurance Secrets

Want to learn something new about auto insurance? Something that can save you a lot of money or get a claim paid? Forget the usual tips. Check out these secrets.

1. Demand the legal policy minimums if you have no assets. Do you really need a lot of liability coverage if you have no money in the bank? Insurance companies will tell you that you do because you can be sued regardless. It's possible. I can't promise you that you won't be sued and end up paying a chunk of your paycheck to someone for life.

However, honest insurance salesmen admit that people without assets are rarely sued. Lawyers work on a commission in these cases, and won't take a case where there is no money to be collected. In fact, having a bigger liability policy can be an invitation to sue, and it won't protect you from personal liability, because they always sue for more than the policy limit anyhow.

If you have no assets to protect, why buy auto insurance? Because it is a legal requirement. In that case why not just buy the minimum coverage required? But be careful. My own insurance guy lied for years, claiming I had just that, when in fact I was paying for "company-recommended minimums." You might have to push the point, and may even have to sign something saying you understand how risky it is to be "under-insured.".......

2. Claim diminished value. If you have a collision policy, your insurance company will pay for the repairs after an accident. However, is the financial damage really fixed? Not necessarily. A car that has been in an accident and had the body fixed may look the same, but it won't sell for the same price. Would you pay the same for a car that has been in an accident?

A car that has been in an accident might be worth $2,000 less than a similar un-damaged car. This is called "diminished value," and may be covered by your policy. However, diminished value is often not paid unless you push the point. Get a car dealer to do an estimate of the diminished value if necessary, and present this to the insurance company. You pay for insurance to have your losses covered, and they aren't covered if you aren't paid for this.

3. Lower your premiums by removing kids from the policy. You may have already discovered that you pay a lot for insurance as long as you have driving-age children at home. Even if they are off at school, if their legal residence is your house, you pay more.

However, there is a little-known exception to this rule. If your children are at a college that's more than 100 miles away, you can have them taken off the insurance policy. This can dramatically reduce your premiums. The catch? They are excluded drivers, so you can't let them drive the car when they come home to visit.

These are just a few examples of the auto insurance secrets that insurance companies probably don't want you to know.

Sponsored by: http://www.balootisme.com

Author: Steve Gillman. You'll find 11 more ways to save money on auto insurance secrets in "Money saving Secrets," a bonus in the "You Aren't Supposed To Know - A Book Of Secrets" package at: http://www.TheSecretInformationSite.com

Nov 7, 2007

Insurance-About BlogRoll

Since this blog is very new, about a month ago, this blog will need more link to other blog and site.If you are interested in making link exchange with this blog, email me at baLooT(dot)MX(at)Gmail(dot)com for requests. Also tell us what is your blog title, URL and description. And make sure you linking to us first because I want to make sure you linking well to my blog. If your blog had same interest as my blog (about Insurance) your link will appears in every post in this blog. Your blog will be categorized under BlogRoll widget.

Below I list a blog and site that had make link exchange with me.

Here's the list:

Link2Me Link Exchange Directory - The Best Link Exchange for SEO Professionals
Quality directory of webmasters actively seeking link exchange. Improve your search engine rankings and link popularity the easy way. Work clever not hard.

baLooTisme Dot Com
Internet marketing, autos, and gadgets related blog

Oct 26, 2007

Van Insurance Online -- How to Buy and Save Online

You can get more quotes faster than ever before. Most insurance companies offer instant or nearly instant policy quotes. In just a few minutes, you'll be able to compare the rates and coverage offered by a wide variety of insurance companies. You can even get comparison services so that you won't have to do this manually.

Buying van insurance online can occur entirely via the Internet, or you can combine online and offline services to get the best insurance. Some insurance providers permit you to get all of your quotes, policy information, and applications dealt with through the Internet. You can apply and pay without ever leaving your desk. This method of buying insurance is one of the most convenient. If you're not comfortable with that, and would like a slightly more traditional method, you have the option of applying for your insurance over the phone or in an office, once you've selected your favorite quote.

Buying van insurance online offers convenience and ease of application. You won't have to take time out to travel, or find yourself endlessly on hold. It's possible to get your quote, apply, and pay within minutes of one another. This can save a busy person a great deal of time.

Van insurance online can also be cheaper. There's less overhead for the insurance company, and more options to compare policies. This means that you have a good chance of getting the best deals on many different kinds of insurance policies by shopping online.

There are also some disadvantages to purchasing your van insurance policy over the Internet. The biggest one is that the process is quite impersonal. It's also hard to get a truly personalized policy, so if you have special circumstances or add ons, you may wish to speak to someone in person. However, going online to shop around can still be smart, as it gives you access to a lot of information quickly. Armed with that information, you can then choose to do the rest of your shopping the more conventional way. No matter how you buy insurance, remember that the most important part of getting a good deal is shopping smart and making certain that you buy the right van insurance online.

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Author: Peter Fitzpatrick is a Marketing Professional for many of the UK's Leading Commercial Insurance companies. With 20 years worth of commercial insurance experience, for companies including: Norwich Union, Churchill and Zurich. To learn more on van insurance online visit his website http://www.van-insurance-britain.co.uk

Compare Van Insurance -- 6 Tips for Saving on Van Insurance

Tip #1 - Go Through a Broker - While shopping around yourself is great, if you are not able to you may want to get your insurance through a broker to compare van insurance for you. They can help you compare a variety of different companies so you can find the company that offers the best deal on business insurance. The great thing is that you will not have to do this on your own time. If you decide to use a broker, make sure that they have a great reputation and understand the type of business insurance needs you have.

Tip #2 - Fill Out Paperwork Accurately - Always be sure that you are totally honest when filling out your information for insurance companies. Information that you do not disclose could actually make your business insurance higher at a later time. Even if you just get a small dent while you are in a parking lot, it is better to let your insurance company know right away.

Tip #3 - Be Sure You Have Enough Coverage - You always want to be sure that you have enough coverage and that you have the correct coverage. When it comes to business insurance, there are some things that can be quite confusing, so if you do not understand something be sure to talk to the insurance company or to the insurance broker to clear up your questions. Getting the right coverage now can save you a great deal of money later.

Tip #4 - Keep Your Vehicles on Secure Premises - Almost all insurance companies will offer you a discount if your vehicles are kept on secure premises. In fact, some insurance companies may not even want to cover you if your vehicles are not in a secure place. This may include a garage or a fenced in area. Before you purchase your business insurance, find out what the company requires when it comes to security so you can save the most money possible.

Tip #5 - Carry All Policies with One Company - Having all of your policies with one company will not only make them all easier to keep track of, but it will also save you some money. Most companies will offer you a discount if you have more than one policy with them. Ask about this type of a discount before making up your mind.

Tip #6 - Remember that Cheaper is Not Always Better - Sure, you want to find the best price possible so compare van insurance, but the cheaper policy may not always be the best one. When considering policies you need to make sure that you find the policy that will give you the best coverage for the best price, instead of just finding the cheapest policy possible.
Author: Peter Fitzpatrick is a Marketing Professional for many of the UK's Leading Commercial Insurance companies. With 20 years worth of commercial insurance experience, for companies including: Norwich Union, Churchill and Zurich. To learn more on compare van insurance visit his website http://www.van-insurance-britain.co.uk